小説 真珠湾 第3話 ~Lost in Seven Years~
Chapter 3
6月18日、僕はホテルをチェックアウトし、浅草にあるB&Bに向かった。日本に来る前にネットで調べておいた外国人専用のミツノ屋は、雑用を手伝う事を条件に、他のB&Bよりかなり安く値段を設定していた。ただ、どんな雑用なのかとメールで問い合わせたら、「その日によって異なります」との返信。それはそうだろうと困惑したけれど、僕がミツノ屋に興味を持ったのは値段の安さだけではなく、おもしろい選択肢があることだった。「B&B or B&Dからお選び頂けます。値段は共に¥2500」。ベッド&ブレックファスト、つまり朝の軽食付きが一般的なのに、ミツノ屋はディナーを選ぶ事ができるわけで、日本の物価の高さを考えれば、夕食付きとはありがたい。僕は、ミツノ屋のB&Dプランで予約した。
On June 18, after I checked out the hotel, I headed B&B in Asakusa. Before I had come to Japan, I found Mitsuno-Ya accepting reservations only from foreign tourists on the net. What was interesting was that Mitsuno-Ya offered a much cheaper rate than any other B&B, on one condition that those who stay would need to do some chores. I e-mailed Mitsuno-Ya about what kind of chores would be. The answer read “They differ day by day” I got puzzled thinking I bet they were but still I made a reservation anyway at Mitsuno-Ya because it gave such an appealing choice as I could either get breakfast or dinner at ¥2500. B&B comes with Bed and Breakfast in general but Mitsuno-Ya offered dinner instead of breakfast. In Japan, everything is expensive. For that aspect I knew I should definitely go with B&D. 昼間の東京。ビルで切れ切れになってはいるけど、最高の青い空。それにしても、7年前と比べて驚くほど高層ビルが増えた。路を行き来している人たちの中にはスーツを着た多くの外国人を見かける。僕が日本に滞在していた時とは比較にならない数だ。見覚えのある地下鉄の大きな入り口を見つけた。緑の輪に千代田線のローマ字表記。網の目状に張り巡らされている東京の地下鉄は、どこから乗ろうと目的地まで必ずたどり着く。
In the daytime of Tokyo, it was a fine day with beautiful blue sky although it was cut in pieces by skyscrapers going right through. Compared to 7 years ago when I stayed in Tokyo, a surprising number of buildings and people had increased. Many foreigners were coming and going on the road. As I walked I found a big entrance for a subway familiar to me. It indicated the Roman alphabet, Chiyoda-line, with a green ring. The subway network in Tokyo spread like mesh of net leads to a destination no matter which station you would get in from.
At the ticket-vending machines I was stunned looking at the subway map. It was not just buildings or people but the number of subways, too, had increased and it was like huge labyrinth looking down from up not just mesh of net anymore. I found Asakusa though a little later as I looked the map closely. I took out a pen and notepad and drew lines connecting one with another toward Asakusa. Then, I realized there were only two transfers at Kasumigaseki showed in gray color and Ningyocho in Pink. I got bewildered for moment as to how much of a ticket I should buy for Asakusa but my memory from 7 years ago using this subway system many times back then brought up the fact that I could adjust the fare later.
I went downstairs further to the platform holding a small ticket printed with number 160. On the way, the horizontal list of Chiyoda line grabbed my attention navigating each station and what other lines were linked by it. How convenient it was for me to see the first transfer point, Kasumigaseki was lined up two stations left to where I was right now. There was only one platform I could see below which means I should get on a train coming on the left side of it. After all, this labyrinth had a passenger-friendly guide.
There were many people waiting for a train on the platform. I felt strong wind. As I saw a green ring at the subway entrance, a train with a green-painted line on the side was coming in and stopping slowly. It was 10:00am. Apparently, rush-hour time zone had widened. The people who had waited on the platform started to get on the train packed already with so many passengers. I really thought that Japanese were very patient starting their day like this and going to work. Nobody would possibly put up with this in America. The door of the train closed hollow and it left generating strong wind just as it did when it came in.
30 minutes later, I came to conclusion that there would be no train at this point in which my big traveling bag and I could squeeze. I decided to call Mitsuno-Ya to find any other transportation to get there. I've got only 5 days left.
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