
バイリンガル小説 に出てくるおいしい情報 readeating


英語の小説を読んでみたい、英語の言い回しを知りたい、そして小説に英語の対訳が欲しい、そんな方にお勧めです☆ 時には、話の中に出てくる料理をレシピと一緒にご紹介します。



Thank you for visiting my web log. I'm Rana. This blog introduces my oliginal and serialized novels. They are free to read online and brought in a bilingual format. Also, a paragraph appears in Japanese above and English below, meaning I translate all episodes in English as well just so readers can hopefully enjoy the novels in the English version. . In addition, I would like to share my own experiences of studying in America from time to time.
As mentioned above each episode of the novel is written both in Japanese and English so that it may meet interests of readers who would like to read a novel written in English, get to know English phrases used in a daily conversation, and have a parallel translation in English to Japanese.
Japanese dishes appeared in the story are introduced sometimes as Today's Special which excitingly come with recipes!

I hope you enjoy the novel!

Remember: Freedom of speach as well as expression is guaranteed and therefore, acts of obstruction to this blog just because you don't like what I write are I believe unconstitutional.

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バイリンガル小説(日本語⇔英語)Bilingual Novel(Japanese⇔English)

私の留学 -Road to a Prestigious University-


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